Thanks for visiting my page I am an Engineer, working as a bureaucrat. So, shouldn’t I be concentrating in my work? Oh well, that I anyways do! I love every bit of my work! I am an Engineer by choice and I have really struggled to be where I am. Then, how did the bug of writing bite me? Well, it all started with the arrival of my daughter, Simran. After having given birth to her, I wanted her to understand this world through the tales which I would weave around for her. Some of the stories would be moralistic, some would be mysteries and others would be motivational. Her desire to listen to my stories would be so intense that slowly I began to feel that I have a good imaginative brain. So, the credit of making me a story-teller goes to Simran! I would also be scribbling poems since my childhood. In 2010, I took part in a poetry contest organized by American Embassy and Arushi in which Gulzar sahib was the judge. I won II prize in that contest. Receiving an award from the one and only one Gulzar sahib and hearing him render my poem took me to a new high and raised my confidence levels. Slowly, I began to drift as a stream. The gates had been opened. I realized that I can’t stop and went with the flow. I have written in many genres including that for children and teenagers, poetry, short story and novels. I am a bilingual writer, writing in English as well as Hindi. I have even tried writing in Marathi and one of my Marathi poems is on my website. I suppose, the biggest factor which kept me going was the wonderful response I received from my readers. It is to you all that I owe my being named as one of the 78 most popular writers by Forbes in 2014. I do love to receive feedback. If you have read my books and wish to connect to me, you can do at my Facebook page  or you can email at

My Thoughts

प्यार की परिभाषा

(ज़िंदगी का अलाव) अच्छा, ज़रा यह बताओ यशोधरा, कि जब तुम्हें और तुम्हारे पुत्र को त्यागकर चला गया था राजकुमार सिद्धार्थ, किसी ख़ास बोध की खोज में, और तुम्हें कई अन्य राजकुमारों ने भेजे थे Read more…

दो चाँद

जब वो छोटी बच्ची थी, एक ख़ूबसूरत सी रात, माँ उसे थपकी देकर सुला रही थी; तभी उसकी नज़र अचानक चाँद पर जा टिकी; और वो बोली, “माँ, मैं चाँद बनना चाहती हूँ!” माँ ने Read more…

एक शहर

मेरे ज़हन के भीतर एक पूरा का पूरा शहर सोया हुआ है| एक ऐसा शहर जिसमें ख़ामोशियाँ न जाने क्यों, बहुत बोलती हैं| जिसमें कई ख़्वाबों के पुतले मर कर भी साँस ले रहे हैं| Read more…

जाने क्यों नज़्में लिखती हूँ मैं?

जाने क्यों नज़्में लिखती हूँ मैं? वक़्त की कमी से पाँव थमते नहीं, कभी इधर, कभी उधर भागती रहती हूँ मैं; जिस तरह सूरज की तपती किरणों से दरख्तों के नीचे आराम मिल जाता है, Read more…


बंजारन हूँ मैं, युगों-युगों की बंजारन! लेती जाती हूँ जनम पर जनम, कभी इस गाँव, कभी उस शहर; कभी इस नदी में अक्स देखती हूँ, कभी उस नदी की लहरें गिनती हूँ; कभी मरुभूमि पर Read more…


I am so sorry- I am very forgetful! I forgot the hurt That you gave me last summer- It fell off like the leaves do In the autumn season And fresh leaves grew once again! Read more…


Everyone thought that I am a breeze Flowing gently over hills and vales, Regaling all those who come my way, Revitalizing those whose heart ails. Air, that I am, I have various shapes And the Read more…