There are circumstances beyond our control that often make us feel helpless, vulnerable and marooned. The protagonists in the collection “The Chiseled World” are also victims of these situations and feel lost. However, following different paths, these characters also come face to face with their inner lighthouse and an infinite quantum of light begins to shine in their souls. Their ultimate goal in life might change as per their situations, but they find peace which emanates from their heart, mind and soul. The stories of “The Chiseled World” have been cleverly weaved by the best-selling author Neelam Saxena Chandra around relationships and the journey which these characters undertake. Buy Now…

यूँ तो ज़िन्दगी खुद ही एक किस्सा है, पर कुछ कहानियाँ ऐसी भी होती हैं, जो दिल को छू लेती हैं। नीलम अपनी कलम से ऐसी कहानियाँ लिखती हैं कि उनकी गहरी छाप आपके दिल-ओ-दिमाग पर पड़ती है और वो कई दिनों तक आपके मन को सोचने को मजबूर कर देती हैं। “रंग भरा तोहफ़ा” कहानी संग्रह लिम्का बुक ऑफ़ रिकॉर्ड होल्डर नीलम सक्सेना चंद्रा द्वारा लिखित चौदह कहानियों का संग्रह है जो आम ज़िन्दगी से सम्बन्ध रखता है। कुछ कहानियों को पढ़कर आप मुस्कुरा उठेंगे, कुछ से आपकी आँखें सजल हो उठेंगी और कुछ कहानियों को पढ़कर दिल दहल जाएगा। ज़िंदगी के विभिन्न रंगों से रंगा है यह कहानियों का यह इन्द्रधनुषीय तोहफ़ा, जिसका नाम ही है “रंग भरा तोहफ़ा”। Buy Now

First Love and Other stories : Synopsis : Often a simple encounter on the path of life can change one’s entire future. “Lines of Fate” by Neelam Saxena Chandra is a collection of such selected, distinctive and unique tales from different walks of life. She has come with this unique collection of short stories to entertain the readers.
When a dice is rolled, one does not know what the outcome will be. Similarly, in an encounter between people, the aftermath is simply indefinite and unidentifiable. Maybe, the lines of fate decide the final outcome. Twists and turns are a part and parcel of each of these stories, written in simple, easy-to-read and lucid language. Buy Now
Rishtey Mohabbat ke is a collection of sixteen short stories in Hindi based on relationships and love Different social issues based in India have been picked up in every story and each story seems to be occurring somewhere very near, be it is the issue of accepting a handicapped friend, the issue of a teacher learning sincerity in her work from a kid, the issue of dowry or a disgruntled youth. The issues that have been dealt with are based upon the socioeconomic conditions of the country, i.e. India and the turmoils which one faces. All the stories radiate positivity and work on the theme that love is the basic aspect which not only makes a person feel complete , but also bind families and society. Buy Now…
A woman is like a palette of colors. Just like the colors, she too displays a different tint and shade at different points of time. The colors you perceive are the ones you make her show. If you love her, she will adore you; if you give her wings she will soar but if you hurt her, she may take time but will one day bounce back in retaliation. Buy Now…
Everyone lives. But life becomes a pleasant journey if you come across something that is called love.Love is not only about romance. It is something more than that. The feeling of love and affection can arise from your child, from your parents, from your colleagues and from your friends. Only if life were easy! Life is the most complicated thing one ever comes across. Buy Now..

Pluck Out The Heart is something beyond an anthology; It is a unique venture by five authors. Based on the horror/dark genre, this book stands out to be a variation in the approach to scary tales. Just as it will manage to run a long nail down your freezing spine, Pluck Out The Heart is manicured with an intention to tell newly thought stories to the readers, page by page. Buy Now..
SANDS OF TIME’ is a collection of twelve interesting stories which bring out the different moods and moments in the lives of women. Buy Now..

“A woman is a palette of hues and has various shades to her persona. She desires nothing, but love. If she feels loved, she shines, opens her wings and touches the sky; radiating the whole world. If she does not, she cribs for some time, may get angry too; but then finds her own horizons in the space provided. She does not stop anywhere. She is always adapting to the situations and then also modifying herself accordingly and learning to grow in the worst of situations.
Tales from Venus makes you aware of the various colors of a woman right from teens till she matures. There are tales that tickle your bones, tales that make you feel emotional, tales of courage, tales of treachery, tales that thrill you and tales that make you happy. Ultimately, you are bound to remain glued to the book because of the surprise element offered by each story.” Buy Now